Our Approach
We believe that when you couple medication treatment along with psychotherapy and support, your chances to remain drug free and avoid relapse in the future are greatly enhanced.
Understanding the scale of the opiate abuse epidemic and the impact it has on the community as well as the daily life of those that struggle with addiction, TSHS strives to:
decrease limitation to care by maintaining a conveniently located office.
provide our clients with the most effective treatment options on the market, delivered by certified doctors and facilitated by courteous and compassionate office personnel.
view and treat addiction as a complex medical condition engaging all sources available, while dispelling the social stigma associated with drug abuse.
offer after-hour, as well as weekend appointments that are flexible and schedule friendly.
maintain ties with local Community Service Boards to offer safe buprenorphine maintenance programs after initial detoxification from opiates to avoid relapse.
offer documentation of client compliance (if needed) for courts and legal issues.
provide referrals to and utilizes resources from local psychiatric facilities and outpatient resources to help qualified clients.
Offer non faith-based counseling. Some clients do not agree with "faith" or "god" in regards to their recovery.
help clients that have failed in the past with faith/abstinence based programs such as Narcotics Anonymous and other 12 step programs as well as inpatient detox programs.
Suboxone, Zubsolv, Bunavail
Buprenorphine: Subutex
Naltrexone: Vivitrol